Jan Labant | Concert DT

Daniel Stark guitars have a steady and strong sound. These guitars have quick reaction in variation of the hand position with the plenty of colourful registers.
I have heard his guitar for the first time played by Eric Franceries. I was enthusiastic and immediately I made the contact. This luthier Daniel Stark seemed to me very young for making this wonderful instrument. His guitars are real handcraft and artistic products. Each of them is an original. Daniel Stark is able to make guitar for the guitarist in the way „made for his measure“, that means to satisfy his requirements. He uses the plot of the wood and decorations for aesthetic suave of his guitar as the art creation.

Prof. Jan Labant (Slowakei)

Jan Labant kam mit einer besonderen Problemstellung zu mir. Er hatte einen Pilz unter den Nägeln, so dass der Nagel sehr früh das Nagelbett verließ. Daher konnte er nicht so kräftig spielen wie gewohnt und die Gitarre sollte mit wenig Anschlagskraft einen möglichst lauten Ton produzieren. Gelöst haben wir das mit einer besonders leichten Decke aus Zeder und innen Balsaholz.

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